Latest in Lake Homes Security Systems: 2020

If you’re worried about home security, it’s with good reason. According to FBI data from 2018, a burglary occurs about every 30 seconds in the country. Especially if your lake house is a second home, you have less oversight than a residential home. That’s certainly more anxiety-provoking. That anxiety means good home security systems are paramount. 

Thankfully for lake homeowners, we’ve come a long way from the expensive installation systems of yore. Now, most systems are DIY and inexpensive to install. Plus, thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), we have a lot of new technology to help along the way. Let’s discuss some of the latest advances in home security systems technology!

All-in-One Security Systems 

Photo courtesy of ADT.

Usually, each component of a home security system needs to be installed separately. For example, you’d purchase a keyless entry system from one company, while your video recognition device is an entirely different brand. Like Lockly Vision and Adobe, many companies are combining these elements of home security into one product.

For instance, Lockly has created a smart lock with a built-in video doorbell so that the two systems can better communicate with each other. So, instead of investing in two different products, research whether there’s an all-in-one version for your lake house. 

Home Security Speakers

Honeywell Smart Home Security System –

Speakers are not just for blasting music on the boat dock. One of the newest home security products is a small cylindrical device that doubles as a speaker and a home security system. 

Honeywell is one brand that carries this product. Equipped with a night vision camera, a microphone, and facial recognition, it’s designed to trip the alarm if a stranger is on your lake house property. It also comes with a pair of door and window sensors for increased security. Although this product is not a professional level device, it’s perfect if your property does not need high-end monitoring, but you’d still like to sleep soundly knowing your lake home is protected. 

Contact-Free Professional Monitoring

Photo courtesy of

Especially at a second home, only having an alarm system is not enough to protect your property. It’s also necessary to monitor your security systems from far away. With a monitoring system, homeowners or trusted friends are alerted of potential robberies, smoke, or carbon monoxide. With fast alerts, you can quickly call for emergency services if needed. 

One of the latest advances is a contact-free, professional monitoring device. This way, you don’t need to be near your home to monitor it. Plus, as a New York Times recommended professional system, there’s even more security, and the monthly fee is worth it. 

Ring is one of the top brands for this technology. You can set it up with an Alexa device and connect it to an app for remote access. With a contact-free device, you don’t need to be near your home to monitor the property.

Access Control Systems

Photo courtesy of Ted Systems, LLC.

With new technological advances, gone are the days of searching frantically for your keys. You can now carry a card in your wallet and enter your lake house using an access control system. Typically, this type of security system is used for corporate buildings rather than residences, but this technology has recently been adopted for homeowners. It’s also reasonably simple to install. The first step is purchasing a door reader with a corresponding card that allows you to enter your home. As long as you’re the only one with the card, no one else can enter your lake house property. 

At Lake Homes Realty, we care about the security of your property. Whether you’re a permanent lake house resident or a second homeowner, we hope these systems help you keep your property and family safe! 

The Latest in Lake Home Security

Man in suit pressing high tech screen with security icons

Whether your lake place is a primary residence or a home away from home, protecting it from break-ins and uninvited house guests should be at the top of your priority list. This security tip is true, especially if the property will be unoccupied this off-season.

It’s always a good idea to ask a friendly neighbor to keep an eye on your property while you’re away. Hire someone to maintain the yard in your absence. Planting thorny shrubbery under your home’s windows and installing an alarm system are great options for keeping your lake place safe, too.

Adding the latest lake home security systems and gadgets to your property can provide you with a little extra peace of mind that your investment is secure while you’re away.

Smart Locks/Keyless Entry

Smart lock on blue glass front door
Photo courtesy of HGTV.

Instead of trying to keep up with who has keys to your home and fretting about finding a safe spot to keep a spare, consider using the latest in security technology for your lake home

Replace your traditional locks with keyless entry devices, which can be programmed to recognize multiple unique access codes, reducing the chances of a stolen or copied key.  

Every member of your household can have a user-specific entry ID, safeguarding your property against potential wrongdoers who may try to memorize entry strokes.

Assigning family and friends with personal entry codes can also help you identify who enters your home and when through your device’s accompanying app.

Additional smart lock safety features include password-protected Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, remote accessibility, voice command options, and even fingerprint scanners on some models.

You can purchase most smart locks for less than $275, and installation usually takes less than a day. 

For a list of the top-rated keyless door locks on the market in 2019, check out this helpful PCMag article.

Remote-Access/Controlled Lighting

Smart device with controlled lighting app
Photo courtesy of Protect America.

Creating the illusion that your home is occupied is a simple way to deter burglars and vandals from entering the property while you’re away for the off-season.

Installing remote-access lighting makes this easier by allowing you to turn lights on and off in different areas of the home to mimic your presence.

Most programs allow you to manually program your lights, via your smart home hub or wireless app, to activate and deactivate at specific times throughout the day and in specified areas.

Other options allow you to set your lighting system to “vacation mode,” which will turn your lights on and off randomly. Smart lights can also be set to turn on when they detect motion or sound. 

You can purchase the Caseta Wireless Smart Lighting Dimmer Switch Starter Kit for about $100 at The Home Depot, a relatively inexpensive smart device option.

Lutron’s Caseta wireless devices take roughly 15 minutes to install per dimmer switch, each of which can control up to 17 light bulbs in a single circuit.

Facial Recognition Security Cameras

Facial recognition security camera by Google
Photo courtesy of The Silicon Review.

Security cameras equipped with facial recognition software are the latest lake home security devices to hit the market.

These camera systems alert homeowners when a device registers anyone on the property whose face is not in its user-programmed recognition databank.

Some facial recognition-equipped cameras can also be programmed to monitor specific areas around the house that may be most susceptible to unlawful entry or damage.

More advanced systems offer heat mapping and analysis capabilities and can even alert homeowners when cars with unfamiliar license plates are detected.

Nest smart home devices, like the Nest Cam IQ Outdoor, are among the most popular security camera systems available.

You can purchase this particular model for about $350. However, Nest IQ systems do not include “familiar face alerts” automatically. This bonus feature is accessible through a monthly subscription to Nest Aware.

Subscriptions start at $5 a month.

Do you have a favorite lake home security tip to share? Tell us in our comments section below!

Low-Cost Home Security Measures for Lake Homes

According to the FBI, property crimes are decreasing – possibly due to better home security. The rate of burglaries in an area drop when people take certain low cost home security precautions.

To ensure that your home security is top-notch, follow these low-cost tricks.

Light Up Your Home

brightly lit home exterirorA home that is well lit is harder to maneuver around unseen. Areas with fewer dark hiding spots are less likely be a target for burglars.

Installing motion detectors on the outside of your home deters thieves by giving the idea that someone is home. Additionally, indoor lights can be used as a deterrent when on a timer.

Indoor lights simply plug in to the timers to add an easy, low-cost home security feature.

Keep Your Yard Nice

While you are gone it is important to give an appearance that people are home.

Consider hiring a friend, family member, or company to ensure that your yard is taken care of while you are gone.

Overgrown bushes provide thieves with a place to hide during a burglary. Keeping bushes properly trimmed eliminates such opportunities.

Think About Your Doors

A door that has a handle lock is a very easy mark for a thief with a credit card. They are able to use simple flat objects to break into your home.

Installing a deadbolt lock increases the difficulty of breaking in through the doors. Most deadbolts ensure the use of a key to unlock a door.

Secure the Keys

hands dropping a key into open hand

When going out of town, make sure that you do not leave an emergency key in any obvious location such as fake rocks or under door mats.

For the best homes security do not leave a key hidden outside.

Provide a trusted person with a key while you are gone to check mail and take care of other household chores.

Also consider investing in an electric door lock. These are equipped with keypads on which those wishing to gain entrance to a home must input a code.

Watch the Windows

Windows are the weakest of security points in a home, especially when left open or unlocked. Ensure that all of the windows are closed and locked before you leave.

Covering the windows with curtains keeps others from being able to see inside. When intruders cannot see inventory in the house, they are deterred from breaking in.

Window coverings will also keep them from knowing if someone is really in the home or not.

Hide Expensive Inventory

Put your jewelry box in the closest and hide anything else that is light and valuable. This will decrease the risk of thieves breaking in and finding your valuables.

While these tips decrease your risk of having a break in, it is also necessary to avoid posting your vacation location on social media platforms.

For more information regarding lake home security, check our this previous story, “6 Home Security Tips for Your Lake Home.” 

Securing Your Empty Lake Home for the Winter

home with chain and lock Making sure your empty lake home is safe in the winter is essential.

Nobody wants to show up when it gets warmer and there be something not working or even come home to an empty place.

It is imperative to lock up and seal everything before you close up shop for the winter. This will keep animals and potential thieves out of your home.

Here are some things you must do so that you can be sure your vacation home will be safe during the winter:

  • Unplug appliances– make sure all TV’s, microwaves and kitchen appliances are all unplugged.
  • Drain the waterlines, and open the faucets to avoid freezing pipes; if you have a pool, make sure to drain it as well.
  • Turn the water heater off and the main water on the exterior of your home as you don’t want your pipes to burst due to freezing.
  • Take out all the trash that is in the house. If there is left over food in the sink or garbage, it will attract mice or other unwanted animals to your home, so be sure to clean up well.
  • Clean out the fridge, pantry and cupboards. Again, if food is left in the house, it will attract bugs and other animals. If you are going to be away from your vacation home for a long time, be sure to not leave any food behind at all, especially in the fridge so that it doesn’t spoil.
  • Turn down your thermostat. Since you won’t be in the home during the winter, just keep the thermostat at a temperature to keep the home from freezing.
  • Store any outdoor furniture on the inside of your home to avoid any missing items, or if there are strong winds, they won’t blow into someone’s house or vehicle.
  • Make sure to lock all your windows and doors in the house. If you have someone nearby that may come by every once in a while just to give the home a look-over, that would be ideal.
  • Have that neighbor also gather your mail for you, or have it forwarded until your return.
  • Purchasing a timed porch light that turns on and off randomly is a great investment in order to make it seem as if your home is being lived in.
  • Consider paying a landscaping company to manage the upkeep of your lawn. If the yard is unkempt and covered with leaves, it gives the impression that no one has been, or will be, at the house anytime soon.

Since you are leaving your vacation home for weeks or even months at a time, you want to take all measures necessary in order to keep it safe and secure.

Following the above steps will give you a peace of mind that your house is going to be the same as when you left it, and without issues.

Many intruders are keen to the fact that people leave their vacation homes in the winter, so making sure that it look as if someone is in the home as much as possible is best, as a thief will pass by the home thinking someone is in it.


10 Ways to Protect Your Lake Home from Break-Ins

Leaving your home, even if it’s for just a few days can be quite nerve racking because of the rise in home invasions and break ins.

Locking the doors just isn’t enough in this day and age. But lucky for you, there are solutions to help keep your home as secure as possible while you’re gone for the weekend.

man with crowbarIf you want to leave your lake home and be free from anxiety, then just follow a few of the steps below to help protect your lake home from break-ins!

Hold Your Mail

This tip works really well.

If you’re going to be leaving your lake house for longer than three days, it’s vital to call the post office, and inform them that you would like them to hold your mail.

This will prevent a huge build up of mail, which is a sign that you haven’t been home in a few days.

If you don’t have the time to call the post office, or you just don’t feel like it, you can ask a trusted neighbor to pick up your mail for you, on a daily basis.

Creating the illusion that someone is home

Another tip is to leave one or two lights on throughout the house.

If a burglar sees any lights in the home, it’s less likely that they will want to break into the home.

Stay off Social Media

Don’t announce that you will be leaving on social media.

This could be invite someone to break into your house.

Sharing the hard dates and times of when you will be gone on the internet is an easy way to target yourself for a break in.

Have a friend stay over

Another good way to keep your home safe is to invite a friend or relative to stay the night.

Of course, you would want this to be a trusted person. But if someone is in the house there is less of a chance it will be broken into.

Install an alarm

You can install a security system.

Today, there are system which allow you to see home from your own mobile device, in real time.

These types of security systems give you the comfort that your home is safe, right at your finger tips.

Auto time the sprinklers

If your home has a sprinkler system, you can set the timer on for each day.

If an intruder sees a wet lawn, they will most likely think somebody is home and not take the chance of breaking into a house and getting caught.

This is an excellent way to protect your home.

Set up mobile phone camera

Did you know you can now buy cameras that you can see from your phone?

It doesn’t matter if your 1000 miles away. These types of security systems send the stream straight to your phone; not to mention you can also lock doors and turn lights on and off remotely.

Prune your trees and shrubs

If you have high bushes and trees, it will be easier for an intruder to break in.

But a clean looking house with viability in all directions is a safe house.

Use Shades to keep your valuables hidden

You can close all the shades in the house to make sure that anything valuable is hidden.

If an intruder can’t see the items in your house, they will be unsure if breaking into your home is worth the trouble.

Reinforce Old Locks

If you have old locks, make sure to buy ones that look newer and are more sturdy.

An intruder is less likely to try and pick a lock if it looks up-to-date.


Keeping your home safe has never been easier. All you have to do is take a few steps to help put your mind at ease.

Always remember to give a key to a relative or trusted friend, turn your alarm on and leave a few things on in the house.

That will help you keep your house safe while you’re away.


Home Security for Your Lake Home While You’re Away

It’s always a good idea to have some form of home security, but it is especially important when you will be away from your place for extended periods of time. The following tips are useful for making sure your lake home is safe and sound while you are away!

Property ManagementHome Security Panel

Property management is used quite often for vacation homes. They will ensure that all the bills are paid on time and that the property remains safe. The company will also ensure that the place is cleaned and in order. It will be ready for your visit when you are ready.

Hiring a Caretaker

Should a property management company not be for you, then hiring a caretaker may be an option to consider. This is when you hire a person to live in the home while you are away.

A contract will be signed that includes the time in which they will live there, what duties they will need to perform while you are away like watering plants, lawn care, and others that you will specify, and it will also include their rate of pay or salary for doing this.

Security Systems

Security systems can be installed for a very reasonable price and as a substitute for having a person at the house. It will alert the police to break-ins, the fire department should the smoke detectors go off, or any other disaster that can occur.

There are some companies that offer the service of visiting the property if there is a reason to if the owner is far away. This will include giving the company a key to the home.

Camera Systems

Camera systems can be installed with another security measure or by itself. The cameras are usually installed at the front door, the back door, the yard, and even at times strategically throughout the house. The cameras will help you keep an eye on the home at any time from anywhere.

Motion Detector Lights

Motion detector lights are the cheapest of security options available. It will deter those who pose a threat from entering the property or home. Thieves can not get away if they are seen. What better to offer them less coverage than installing lights that come on when sensing motion?

It is suggested to have at least once of these measures set into place for your vacation home. However, it is better if you have at least two or more. You spend your money and your time on this home, keep it safe while you are away.

6 Home Security Tips for Your Lake Home

Lake homes are a great way to take the break that you deserve from the stresses of daily life. However, when the time comes to return to your main home, instead of feeling rested and rejuvenated, the thought of leaving your second home unattended and vulnerable to problems ranging from burglaries to power surges can be its own source of anxiety.

Here are six simple home security tips that you can take to provide the security necessary for your lake home so that it remains a stress-free retreat.

Make it Look Lived-In (When You’re Not Living In It)

Home Security PanelA dark home with unkempt grass and old mail piling up on the front porch is a sure sign to robbers that your home is unattended. Make it look like somebody is home. You can get some help with this step by asking a neighbor to help look over the house.  MSN Real Estate recommends giving your spare key to a trusted neighbor so that he or she can bring in any mail.

If you plan to live there more frequently, you can request that the US Postal Service office hold your mail while you are away from the lake. Ask your neighbor to periodically water the plants and mow the lawn.  If you have a driveway, suggest that they park their car there at times. Try hosting a BBQ dinner party for them next time you’re in town to make the agreement extra enticing.

Put on a Light Show (When You’re Not There)

A great way to mimic the look of a lived-in home is by using lights.  While The Independent Traveler urges against leaving lights on the entire time, a better way to get a lived-in look is by investing in some timers. Light switch timers will create the natural effect of you periodically turning the lights on and off during the day and at night, even when you’re not around. MSN Real Estate suggests installing motion-sensor lights outside to create a similar effect.

Check Your Windows and Doors (Before You Leave)

Even if your vacation home door is older, there are a couple simple ways that you can make it more secure it up while maintaining a rustic look. Invest in a good lock. MSN Real Estate recommends purchasing a Grade 1 or Grade 2 deadbolt, both of which you can install without the help of a locksmith.

Depending on how old your home is, you may consider replacing your strike plate, as well. Brass strike plates are an affordable replacement option. You can make your windows thief-proof by replacing them with types that cannot open more than six inches.

Once your windows are updated, the final step is to check your curtains.  While it may be tempting to keep them closed while you are away in order to prevent your home from being visible to passersby, The Independent Traveler suggests leaving them open to make it appear that you are at home.  Be sure to store your more valuable items in a windowless room.

Invest in a Temperature Sensor (Sooner Rather Than Later)

During the cold winter months, the potential for pipes to freeze is an added concern. Invest in a temperature sensor alarm system. These range in function, but generally monitor the temperature of your lake home and alert you via phone when abnormal conditions are detected.

Another home security tip The Independent Traveler recommends is that you ask a trusted neighbor to stop by periodically to check that water is running completely in the faucets. Also be sure to show the neighbor how to shut off your water main in the event that the pipe bursts.

Avoid Social Network Updates

As you pack up to leave the cabin, although it may be tempting to share photos online of your most recent waterskiing accomplishments and the new hiking trail that you explored, be wary of how much you say.  Tech-savvy burglars may take the photos and descriptions as an indication that your vacation has come to its conclusion and that your home is about to be unattended.

Unplug Appliances

unsplashA final step you can take is to remember to unplug your appliances, including toasters, computers, printers, televisions, and lamps.  It takes very little time, but will make a huge difference by helping you to avoid future power surges.

With these home security tips, you can rest assured that your lake home will always be a safe haven, even when you’re away.  And despite the monetary cost of making your home more secure, imagine the amount that you will save when you avoid the otherwise daunting effects of a robbery, pipe burst, or power surge.

Now you can look forward to your next vacation as a way to shed unwanted stress and remain relaxed, even when it’s time to leave the lake behind.