5 Ways to Manage Stress and Anxiety during COVID-19

Photo courtesy of OregonLive.com.

Undoubtedly, the current pandemic has had a significant impact on our lives. Whether it’s loss of a job, loss of loved ones, or loss of normal routine and face time with others, each of us have experienced some degree of stress and anxiety due to the current events. However, if you have the luxury of living on the lake, being surrounded by nature has powerful mental health benefits. When the view out your window is a peaceful overlook of water and wildlife, the calming environment will lower your cortisol levels. But if you aren’t on a lake right now, no need to worry. There are still plenty of ways to manage your stress and anxiety during COVID-19 from the comfort of your home.

Download a Meditation App

Photo courtesy of thewirecutter.com.

Thanks to modern technology, practicing meditation is easier than ever. You don’t need to embark on an Eat Pray Love cross-continental journey, or even attend an in-person yoga class, to experience the benefits of mindfulness. There are several apps that you can download on your phone, computer, or tablet that guide you through calming meditation activities. Some of the most popular include Calm, Headspace, and Insight Timer. Many of these even include social features so you can share your practice with friends and keep each other accountable. No matter how you incorporate it into your routine, there are clear psychological benefits to making time for a daily mindfulness practice.

Set a Regular Routine

If you’re finding it tough to maintain a routine during the pandemic, you’re not alone. With the whole globe in crisis, it’s understandable that our brains are jumbled as well. That’s why mental health experts have been advising us to keep a routine as much as possible, even when it’s challenging to focus on ordinary tasks. This practice paves the way for a clearer mind and a more focused day. Whether you keep a list on your fridge of specific tasks for the day, set an iPhone alarm for bedtime, or recreate your daily public transit commute in your shower like these Londoners, setting a routine for yourself is beneficial.

Establish a Sleep Schedule

If you have trouble sleeping, you’re not the only one. According to the National Institutes of Health, over 40 million Americans experience chronic sleeping problems. During COVID-19, sleep might be an even greater challenge due to the reciprocal relationship between anxiety and sleep. In a vicious cycle, anxiety fuels insomnia, and insomnia leads to more anxiety. However, practicing good sleep hygiene is one of the most underrated — but also most important — aspects of maintaining physical and mental health. And there are ways you can practice better sleeping habits. For example, although our phones are our lifelines to outside connection right now, it’s helpful to go screen-free just before bedtime. Be sure to also practice exercise habits, get as much exposure to sunlight as possible, and create a pleasant sleeping environment to increase your sleep quality.

Practice Cooking Skills

Unfortunately, the days of enjoying a leisurely Saturday brunch have been temporarily paused. However, just because you can’t order a delicious omelette or stack of pancakes doesn’t mean you can’t recreate it at home. Consider using this time to expand your recipe repertoire by sharing recipes with friends, investing in a subscription like New York Times Cooking, or just getting creative in the kitchen. If you’re quarantined with family or friends, you can have fun creating group meals and eating together. And on the other side of the pandemic, you can host dinner parties and impress guests with your up-to-snuff skills.

Take Breaks from the News

Paradoxically, a common response to stress and anxiety is to fuel it with news consumption– even if we don’t realize we’re doing it. In fact, neurologist Sam Goldstein refers to this concept as Coronavirus Stress Syndrome. If you’ve found yourself repeatedly texting friends about the pandemic, spending hours reading or watching news, and finding it impossible to discuss topics unrelated to the virus, you might be suffering from it. Instead of inundating your mind with news constantly, it’s important to strike a balance of staying informed but not overly stressed. Be sure to take time to unplug from the news and connect with others, go for daily walks, or practice a new hobby

If you live on the lake, chances are you have a built-in stress-free environment– but even then, anxious thoughts have a way of creeping in. When this happens, be sure to remember these tips to clear your mind.

Also, check out our relaxation playlist for instrumental and acoustic tunes that will calm your mind while you enjoy the lake views.

6 Exercises That Are Better At The Lake

For the fitness fans, exercising can be fun, but it is even more fun to exercise at the lake. Anything from swim routines to yoga can be refreshing at the lake. The following are six exercises that you can do at the lake and enjoy every minute of your fitness routine.

Swimming at your lake

There are several types of swimming that can be done at a lake. With a large, refreshing, and scenic body of water at your disposal, swimming can whip you into shape quickly, or help maintain your fitness goals.

Distance swimming is easily done in lake waters without the confinement of laps in a pool. Water Aerobics are fun in a shallow area that you can easily touch bottom. It is a guaranteed way to get your heart rate up while simultaneously strength training.

The resistance of the water serves the same purpose as weights, and high repetitions will burn calories and tone muscles in no time. The water also provides buoyancy, which will help build muscle endurance at low impact. Jogging in place, jumping jacks, and leg kicks are great examples of exercises to include in your regimen.

Running around lakeRunning around the lake

Find a trail through the woods and take off. Dodging limbs, shuffling over roots and hurdling fallen logs not only add interest to your run, but also shakes up the monotony. The variations in movements make a great cardio workout and allows for upper body toning.

Natural inclines and declines change up the terrain of your path without pressing a button on a treadmill. Fill your lungs with fresh air, indulge in the shade of the trees, and allow yourself to get distracted by the beautiful scenery.

It will make the time go by faster and will likely become a healthy addiction.

Ground Cardio

Take advantage of the ground’s natural cushion and stretch out on your back. Crunches and sit-ups are a great way to work abs, and there are many variations that employ other muscles such as arms and legs to get the most out of your workout. Flip over and do push-ups.

For the fitness ambitious, add squats, burpees, and hold plank for a minute or two. If you work up a sweat, no problem. Take a dip in the lake water to cool off, then start up your exercise again!

Cycling at your favorite lake

Hop on your bicycle and do two things at once: cycle and explore. Find smooth pavement and follow the curves and hills, or take your bike off-road for a cycling challenge. Keep your mind occupied with the beauty of your surroundings and allow the RPM’s to do their job. But why go at it alone? Grab a bicycle for each family member and enjoy a great workout with great company.


Kayaking on lakeAnother way to take advantage of lake waters is to toss a kayak into the water and go on a water adventure. Kayaking is primarily an upper-body sport, but it also works core muscles in your back and stomach. Be sure to have the right equipment, such as a helmet, life jacket, and throw ropes. Don’t let cool weather stop you. Just pull on a wet suit and paddle away!

Pilates and Yoga while at the lake

yoga at lakePilates and Yoga work every muscle group effectively. By nature, yoga is calming. But take the routine outdoors lakeside and refresh the body as well as the soul. Pilates is much more challenging and involved with moves that will make calories and muscles burn. Choose one or the other, or throw them together in a Pi-Yo combination to get the best of both worlds.

Many exercises can be done outdoors. Get creative and use your natural surroundings at the lake to your advantage. There’s no reason that you couldn’t combine fitness and fun for yet another outdoor activity that can be done at your lake home.

6 Reasons to Own a Swimming Pool at the Lake

You can feel it; the weather is warm and you are getting the itch to swim. Your entire family is ready to splash away their days in the sun.

Healthier Lifestyle

There are many families that purchase a pool for family fun; however, an amazing benefit of a swimming pool is the fitness that automatically comes with the fun.

Families that have a pool are getting much more exercise than those families that do not have one. This offers an overall wellness for the body.

Some great exercises that can be done in a pool are water walking, water jogging and of course swimming.

The resistance offers a low impact exercise. These aquatic exercises offer simultaneous resistance for all muscles in the body, while protecting the joints, as well as the bones.

swimming poolCrystal Clear Waters

While most lakes have crystal clear water, there are some that can get muddy or see some algae growth from time to time.

During these periods,  your swimming pool, whether it is chlorinated or salt water, is guaranteed to have pristine waters. This provides an opportunity for swimming no matter the lake conditions!

Better Sleep

Whether your children struggle with restless nights or you fight insomnia, having a pool will make it much easier to sleep at night.

The pool offers a way for the family to exert their bodies in a fun way in order to wear themselves down for bed.

Scientifically speaking, the water also offers another way to burn energy. The water is cooler than the temperature of the body. This causes the body to exert more energy in order to stay warm.

Visit with Family More Often

When you have a pool, you automatically have a great way to join family and friends together.

Barbecues and birthday are so much more fun when you have something as great as a swimming pool. Your friends and family will be more inclined to come and visit if you have a pool to enjoy together.

Property Value

Many times, depending on your location, a pool can dramatically increase a home’s value. This is particularly the case in warmer locations that provide longer swim seasons.

Consult with a local real estate expert in your area before adding a pool strictly for investment purposes!

Keep the Angler Happy

Is your shoreline and dock that spot the fishing enthusiasts in the family like to hit? If so, the pool allows other family members to swim, without disturbing the fish (and anglers) in the area!

Of course there are many other benefits to owning a pool, but as you can plainly see there are some key benefits that really stand out.

If you do not already have a pool, then you may want to consider investing in one. It has the potential to offer you a happier and healthier life!


For more tips on healthy lake living, read our “8 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Home and Health” article!

Exercising on the Lake: Canoeing and Kayaking

There are many reasons why people participate in canoeing and kayaking. One of the biggest reasons is the exercise they get from this fun past time.

Exercising on the lake with paddling facilitates aerobic and cardiovascular training. It also helps build upper body strength.

Both kayaks and canoes offer great benefits, regardless of the type of paddling that is performed. Some of these benefits include:

  • Weight Losscouple kayaking
  • Stress Reduction
  • Back Strength
  • Chest Strength
  • Arm Strength
  • Overall Body Conditioning
  • Overall Health
  • Boosted Immune System

Side Benefit

Some people paddle solely for the exercise since paddling works your back, arms, abs and more. However, those who paddle because they love to seem to reap more benefits than those who do it just for a workout.

This is because a person who loves something does not view it as a chore, they do it as much as possible since it is their hobby.


Anyone that paddles their own kayak or canoe even just once knows the task burns a high amount of energy. And the burn doesn’t start there.

There is exercise in just getting the vessel to the water!

Imagine what it takes to just lift the boat in and out of the lake, not to mention getting it prepared for transport to and from the water.

Proper Technique

The most crucial consideration when you are paddling, especially when doing it for the exercise, is to maintain proper technique and to stretch before and after performing the activity.

The repetitive nature of this sport can adversely affect your joints and muscles when posture and rowing technique is not kept in mind.

Some injuries occur before hitting the water, when the canoe or kayak is being lifted and carried to/out of the lake.

Remember to lift with your knees when dealing with heavy objects, and to keep them close to your body when transporting so as not to strain your back and shoulders.

For more details on proper rowing techniques, look to this guide, provided by REI.

Enjoy Your Exercise

As if you needed another reason to get out on the water, the fact stays the same that you will not only enjoy paddling, but you will soon see a significant increase in your overall health due to the amount of exercise that you receive from this sport.

You will also enjoy the scenery. The water and wilderness offer a sense of peace and calm. You will relax your mind while you are exercising your body.