Whiteboard Topics: What Are 5 Common Mistakes Made By Agents At The Lake?

When it comes to real estate, mistakes will happen on occasion. Even the most seasoned agents may make a mistake. At the end of the day, it’s human nature and not something to be too upset about. Luckily, Lake Homes Realty’s CEO, Glenn Phillips, has outlined the 5 most common mistakes and how to stay clear of them.

  1. Agreeing to Overprice a Lake Home: As a seller, it is normal to want to maximize the amount you get from the home. However, this can typically cause the property to sit on the market longer and, inevitably, sell for less money. 
  2. Missing Phone Calls: Sometimes being busy can get to you or you might find yourself in an area where the cell service isn’t that good. This results in missed opportunities for the client to get to work with you and vice versa. 
  3. Only Marketing Listed Property Locally: When promoting the property locally, you’re typically going to be promoting to people who already own a lake home. Oftentimes, the ones looking are not local and can even be from out of state. Only marketing locally will result in a loss of visibility for potential out-of-state buyers.
  4. Not Thinking Long-Term: Simply worrying about the next new buyer leaves room for forgetting about your current buyers. These other buyers might just take longer to complete a transaction. While it is good to always think about new buyers, don’t forget about the long-term ones.
  5. Lacking Lake Expertise: The higher price points of lake properties are very enticing, but lacking the knowledge can backfire. Everything from water regulations to how you get to the properties, and even pricing and value. Expertise always matters.

In the future, knowing about these common mistakes can really change the game when it comes to selling lake properties. There are always ways to improve on this knowledge and even learn more when it comes to avoidable mistakes. Visiting LakeHomes.com is always a helpful tool and a great way to learn more!

Zac Parnell

Alumnus of The University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in Digital Marketing. Currently a Social Media Specialist at Lake Homes Realty.