Lake Living: Simple Picnic Recipes

Picnics are wonderful when planned well; the selection of the food that you want to take will set the mood for the trip. Here are some ideas that will help you enjoy your outdoor meals. Try out these picnic recipes at the lake as the warm weather approaches!

At the Lake

PicnicThere is nothing better than a warm and sunny day at the lake with your friends and family. Your selection for food should be something that stays cool all day. You can have hot meals too, but it’s better to have some cold sandwiches just in case.

Let’s help you select the perfect lakeside meal.

The easiest way to plan a picnic is to utilize both sides and main dishes that are best served cold so that everything can be stored in a cooler. For side dishes and snacks, you may want to consider the following:

  • Watermelon (thin slices)
  • Sliced cucumbers or tomatoes
  • Oranges and Apples
  • A gallon of your favorite beverage

For the cold entree:

Spicy Cold Chicken Sandwich

Serves 4


Dice a 2 pounds of chicken and add two teaspoons of pepper and one tablespoon of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, a generous amount of olive oil and mix together. Have bread, cheese, and mayo available to make 10 sandwiches.


  • Heat your oven to 400° F.
  • Put chicken in the oven and roast it for 45 minutes
  • Let the chicken cool
  • Pre-make sandwiches for the picnic

Finger Food Plate

Picnic foodIf you are more inclined to create a collection of snack foods for your picnic, you may want to try the following:

  • Oven Roasted Corn – Bake in the husk at 400 for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Great, even when chilled.
  • Create a spread of cheeses and match with crackers
  • Apples, pears, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and Kiwis
  • Lots of chocolates

Be Creative

Just about any meal you can imagine can be made into the perfect picnic, just prepare it in a way that can be kept cool for a few hours. With spring just around the corner, use these picnic recipes as jumping points for great meals on the go!

Glenn S. Phillips

Glenn S. Phillips is the CEO of Lake Homes Realty. He is also an author and speaker. When not thinking about real estate and technology, he periodically plays his ugly tuba (complete with a bullet hole), enjoys exploring cognitive thinking, and prefers dark chocolate.