5 Ways to Stay Warm While Enjoying the Lake in the Fall

There’s just something about fall.

The air is crisper, the leaves are falling, and it feels refreshing to be outside. In contrast to the summer months when the heat is smothering, you find yourself drawn to your outdoor spaces.

Your patio or dock are the perfect place to enjoy a cup of hot coffee on autumn mornings, or to snuggle up on your porch swing at night, and listen to the wind blow through the leaves.

Pretty soon, it will be sweater weather, and you’ll feel the cold drawing you back inside your house for the long winter.

If you want to prolong the autumn charm a little longer however, there are a couple of options to stay warm in your outdoor living space.

homemade backyard fire pitFire!

If your HOA, or city ordinance, allows a fire pit, this is a great way to add a cool, or rather hot, touch to your open air patio.

Yes, you must check the rules before buying one of these as you don’t want to get fined or have the ATF storm your patio.

If you find that you can legally have a fire pit, get ready for s’mores cookouts, hot cocoa by the fire and enjoying the fall air without needing to bundle under blankets.

Remember to keep it in the open air, so you don’t have smoke or fire damage to the ceiling of your porch or patio.

There are a ton of different fire pit designs, but most are big enough to fit four camp chairs around, so you can enjoy the heat by yourself, or share with friends!


Chimeneas are those awesome clay fireplaces you always see but can never remember what they’re called.

They have a wide belly for burning actual firewood, and a skinny chimney to release the smoke.

The clay retains heat well, providing a heat source through the clay and also from the burning wood.

Chimeneas come in many shapes and sizes, and there are many beautifully decorated and fired clay designs, and even some funny ones as well.

If you want a statement piece in addition to warmth, a chimenea is the way to go.

Also note, this should not be kept under a closed roof or patio, because sparks can lead to a fire on your porch, which would definitely kill your outdoor enjoyment.

Hearth and Home Outdoors

Another really unique addition to a porch or patio is an outdoor fireplace.

These can be free-standing away from the home, or built into the siding of the home into the exhaust infrastructure to allow the smoke to escape through the home’s existing chimney.

Usually made with brick like an indoor fireplace, these outdoor fireplaces radiate comfort and style.

What would be more relaxing than curling up in front of a fireplace while watching the leaves fall all around you with the serene lake as the backdrop?

These fireplaces are definitely the most expensive option, and would require a contractor or a really talented handyman to achieve the proper safety requirements.

Propane and Propane Accessories

If you are worried about an open flame near children, a risk you take with a wood-burning option, you’re on a tight budget,  or you’re Hank Hill and you just love propane, you can always get an efficient, cleaning-burning propane heater.

These heaters come in a variety of sizes and require — you guessed it — propane to provide heat.

They work incredibly well and can heat a small enclosed space safely and efficiently.

Many of the newer ones have safe spark igniters, low oxygen sensors and other safety measures if you’re worried about about your well being and the well being of guests.

Camp heaters also work really well for this purpose, and you can transport them easily if you decide to enjoy a friend’s patio during the fall as well.

hot tub by the lakeGet Yourself in Hot Water

Another way to enjoy the outdoors and keep warm is to relax in a hot tub.

While there are many things you may want to consider before purchasing a hot tub, there is no denying the relaxation they provide on a cool night by the lake.

Any of these options are a great addition to your outdoor living space.

All you have to do is decide which one is the best fit for you, light it up, and enjoy the rest of fall by the lake.

You can even enjoy your new, warmer outdoor space well into the winter!

Don’t Forget to Winterize Your Lake Home

Winterize Your Lake Home During winter

When living on a large body of water or a lake, it seems like the elements provided by Mother Nature are amplified.

As winter comes, there are several steps that you should take to help protect your lake home from these elements. Some of the harshest winters can be found on some of these lakefront locations.

It doesn’t matter if you decide to ride these elements out or if you want to batten down the hatches and wait for spring. These precautions will save you time and money when the warmer months arrive.

Follow these simple steps to winterize your lake home.

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