Xeriscaping Basics: Creating a Water-Wise Lake Landscape

Photo courtesy of Mirage Landscaping

Those of us who love lake life know that water is a precious natural resource. We also know that enjoying a laidback lake lifestyle is far more appealing than spending hours on excessive watering and lawn maintenance. Now, more than ever, water conservation has become vital due to global warming, unpredictable droughts, and daily consumption by millions of people.

Experts estimate that American households use nearly 107,000 gallons of water per year, with about 50 to 70 percent to water their lawns and gardens. According to the EPA, “As much as 50 percent of the water we use outdoors is lost due to wind, evaporation, and runoff caused by inefficient irrigation methods and systems.” The good news? Creating a water-wise xeriscape (zer-i-skape) for your lake home can reduce your water usage by as much as 50 percent.

So, what exactly is xeriscaping? Originating from the Greek word xeros, meaning dry, combined with the word landscape, it is an eco-friendly sustainable method of landscaping that will ultimately conserve water, help protect the environment, and require less maintenance overall—a win-win for all of us. Coined in the early eighties by a team of landscape and water industry professionals in Colorado, xeriscaping has become increasingly popular in all areas of the country—not just drier climates.

Xeriscaping 101

Photo courtesy of How Stuff Works

If you’re ready to embrace the idea of xeriscaping on your lake property, start with the basics. Developed by Ken Ball, ASLA LLA, a landscape architect who was part of the original xeriscaping team in Denver in the 1980s, the Seven Principles of Xeriscaping are a great guide to follow:

Planning & Design

First, sketch out a basic landscape plan on paper. Map out plant materials and hardscaped areas appropriate for your regional climate and include any water-saving solutions. For instance, plot out areas where you could replace turf with drought-resistant plants or mulching. Add stone walkways, a fire pit or barbecue pit, and any other desired seating and entertaining areas that may replace water-thirsty landscaping.

Strategize Turf Areas

Photo courtesy of Redfin

Limiting turf areas that require a lot of water and maintenance is an essential part of xeriscaping. Check with your local garden and lawn care center to learn more about native and low-water grasses suitable to your region and landscape aesthetic. There is no need to replace all your grass with mulch or gravel. Instead, think through how you use your yard and what best appeals to you visually. Consider using Bella bluegrass, a dwarf vegetative grass that thrives in warm and cool climates and most any soil type. It also requires less water and mowing than other typical turf lawns. Consider putting in low-growing ground cover, brick or stepping-stone pathways, or other more durable options that won’t look trampled down for heavy traffic areas.

Plant Selection

Photo courtesy of Habitat Network

Choose your plants carefully. Consider the location and grouping of your plant materials and make sure they are drought tolerant and don’t require excessive watering. Remember that plants needing more sunlight will be happier on the western side of your landscape. Also, consider the slope of your lake landscape, as plants requiring little water are best placed at higher elevations, and thirstier plants will catch excess water if they are set lower. When xeriscaping, native plants perform best, but you can check with a garden center for a list of plants appropriate for your climate, soil conditions, and available resources. For more ideas, visit Epic Gardening.

Soil Improvement

Remember that good soil equals healthy plants. Most soil contains a combination of silt, sand, and clay, but silt ultimately performs best for xeriscaping. Clay can sometimes retain moisture too long, and sand can allow too much drainage. Rich, organic soils encourage deeper roots, absorb water better, and reduce water runoff. 


Adding mulch to your lake landscape is a relatively easy way to help your soil retain moisture, keep your plants—and the ground—cool, and minimize water evaporation. It’s not only aesthetically pleasing but also keeps weeds at bay. Choose from organic wood-based mulches like cedar, pine, and bark for sunny areas and stone-based inorganic mulches such as lava rock and cobblestone for shady spots.  

Efficient Irrigation

Make sure you know the water requirements for all your plants and group them accordingly. Some can thrive in drier climates, and others will require more water, especially when newly planted and establishing their root systems. Without enough water, roots will lose their foundation and become weaker. Save watering instructions from your garden center and monitor your plants closely. Automatic sprinkler systems and hose-end sprinklers can provide efficient irrigation for your xeriscape. Keep any irrigation systems low to the ground to avoid excessive evaporation and prevent water from reaching unwanted areas. Micro-spray, drip, and bubbler irrigation systems are ideal for shrubs, flowers, and vegetables. Always check with a professional to keep up to date on the most current irrigation technology.


Photo courtesy of Lankford Architecture

When it comes to xeriscaping, maintaining your lake landscape is surprisingly easy. As pioneer Ken Ball once said, “The further you take a design from the natural environment, the more maintenance you have to apply forever. If you don’t, Mother Nature will reclaim the site.” Think of xeriscaping as a more natural approach to gardening and landscaping. Its very intent is to create an eco-friendly environment, improve sustainability, and cut down on overall maintenance, mowing, and watering. Of course, you’ll want to groom your plants as needed and promote growth by keeping your yard clear of debris, leaves, and branches.

If you’re ready to embrace all the beautiful benefits of xeriscaping on your lake property, talk to a local landscape professional or visit Love Your Landscape for more information.

Get a Leg Up on a Luscious Lawn

As the last of the winter chill (hopefully) begins to melt away, it’s time to kick your lawn care into high gear. Spring is a time of rapid growth. Although your lawn has spent the entire winter either blanketed under ice and snow, or dried out and patchy, it can come back more vivacious than ever with a little bit of TLC. This spring prep checklist is sure to provide you with a luscious lawn come lake season.

1. Clean up

First, clean up any leaves, branches, or debris that has accumulated over the winter months.

If you have piles of snow remaining, spread them out into smaller, less dense piles so that they can melt evenly. This will prevent the soil underneath from compacting and allow the snow to melt more quickly.

Use a rake to collect any remaining leaves and thatch buildup. Otherwise, they’ll decompose and lead to mold on your lawn — if they haven’t started to collect mold already.

Pick up stray branches and other large items that can get stuck in your lawnmower and damage the machinery. Branches and lawn debris can also prevent fertilizers and pesticides from being absorbed into your lawn.

2. Mow early

You should start mowing within the first few weeks of spring, depending on when the frost subsides.

Wait until your grass has reached at least two inches in height. This will avoid injuring delicate blades and exposing it to disease.

You should mow every five or six days during the spring, which will prevent the grass from growing too tall. It will also reduce your likelihood of scalping it too short.

3. Combat weeds with mulch

Make sure to edge your flower beds and replace all the old mulch from last season.

Mulch is a great way to moderate moisture and keep pests and disease out of your landscape. As for your grass, you can apply a pre-emergent herbicide to help fight weeds before they rear their ugly heads.

4. Prevent pests

Most pests can be avoided by following a consistent watering routine to maintain your luscious lawn. But you can also rid mosquitoes by removing areas of standing water.

Make sure all divots or other areas where puddles can form are filled in. De-thatching your lawn can also help keep soil-borne pests, like grubs and ants, from finding shelter.

5. Fertilize

In the early spring, you should use a combination of fertilizer and herbicide to feed your lawn and prevent crabgrass.

You can apply more fertilizer again, six weeks after the first application date, but keep in mind that early fertilizing is ideal.

You want to apply fertilizer before temperatures become so hot that the nitrogen burns your grass.

If you want to avoid synthetic chemicals, consider using compost or other organic matter for a healthier approach.

6. Wait to overseed

Although you can overseed in the spring if you notice patches of bare lawn, you will have better results with most grass types if you wait until late summer or fall.

Overseeding in the spring can sometimes be counterproductive, particularly if you are applying a pre-emergent herbicide. The seeds won’t germinate since they will be stifled by the chemical.

If you can’t bear to stare at the brown, dead spots all summer, try fertilizing or laying down patches of sod.

A luscious lawn in the summer starts with proper care in the spring. Put the hours in now, and you’ll be thanking yourself when your lawn is the talk of the lake come July.

For more helpful tips and advice on making sure your lake home looks its best year-round, check out more articles here.

Article Contributed by: Sarah Miller, Lawnstarter.com

Fall Lawn Care – Prepare Your Yard for Spring

lakeside lawn in the fallAutumn is just around the corner, and while you may not know it, now is the absolute best time to take care of your lawn and prepare it for the following spring.

Before getting settled into a routine of watching football all weekend, get outside and consider the following fall lawn care tips.

Remember, give your yard some attention now and you (and the yard) will be happy come springtime.

Fire up the mower and drop the blade.

Many people tend to slack a bit on mowing once fall rolls around, but mowing is not just for short-term cosmetic purposes.

Its also for keeping a healthy lawn for years to come.

By dropping the blade down for a closer cut, sunlight will be able to reach the crown of the grass, and this will help the grass through the long winter months.

Buy a good rake.

To some people raking is no fun task, but it can be if you know that you’re lawn will love you for it.

Oftentimes, people wait until their entire yard is blanketed with fallen leaves before venturing outside. They think they’re saving themselves time and trouble by raking everything up in one fell swoop.

The problem is that too many leaves blanketing the ground forms an impenetrable layer, ultimately suffocating the grass.

It becomes that much worse when the leaves become wet. Fungus can also form on the grass, destroying it.

If you absolutely despise raking, consider using a lawnmower that is equipped with a vacuum system and a collection bag. A leaf blower is also another alternative.

Poke holes in your lawn.

Now that you’re mowing and working hard to rake your leaves, it’s time to poke some holes in the lawn.

This helps to aerate the soil so that oxygen, water and fertilizer can get down into the roots of the grass.

Some people prefer to hire out for this job if they have a large lawn.

Add Fertilizer.

For those who don’t know what rhizomes are, they are part of the grass stem which lies just beneath the surface of the soil.

It is the rhizomes that actually produce the blades of grass that we enjoy looking at and walking on in the spring and summer months.

Fall is the prime time to fertilize your lawn and get the proper nutrients to those rhizomes. If you do it before the winter freeze, your grass will be all ready by the time the spring thaw rolls around.

Look for fertilizers that are specifically labeled for fall use.

Tackle those weeds.

Again, another misconception most people have is to fight the weeds in the spring when they pop up.

In actuality, the best time is in the fall, when the weeds are trying to drink everything that comes to them.

Spray them down with weed killer in the fall and they won’t be making an appearance in the spring.

Drain those lines in your irrigation system.

Is your lawn set up with an irrigation system?

If so, a good practice to get into is removing water from it by using compressed air, or if there is a drain valve, that will work too.

Simply turn the water off and drain each zone separately. Don’t forget to drain the main supply that comes from the house.

This will prevent ice from building up and rupturing the lines.


While it my seem inconvenient now, following these steps in the fall will lead to a healthier and easier-to-maintain lawn once next spring rolls around!


Tips for Maintaining a Green and Healthy Lawn in the Summer

The summer months offer warm days and outdoor activities that keep everyone outside for hours at a time. There are some that will spend these months trying to maintain a healthy lawn.

Some will find it a bit hard to keep their grass healthy and green. Here are some tips that you can use to ensure that your lawn remains as beautiful as it appeared when spring hit.

green lawnMowing Your Lawn

A healthy yard does not mean that it has to be cut short. When you cut your lawn, the blades will need to be set a bit higher. The length of your grass provides many benefits when it comes to keeping your soil productive and healthy.

Taller grass is able to obtain more light during the sun’s peak hours, and then in turn it uses the energy to produce more nutrients for the roots, as well as the surrounding soil.

The taller blades also help provide shade to allow the soil around the grass to keep the moisture through the heat of the summer days.

Grass Clippings

The clippings should not automatically be deemed waste. If you cut your yard frequently enough, the small amount of clippings you produce when you cut your lawn should be redistributes over your yard.

There are mowers that will collect the clippings in bags, but you should instead allow them to fall back to the grass and the soil. It will help offer more nutrients in the long run, and so long as you are cutting often will not leave big piles or trails of unsightly clippings in your yard.


Fertilizing should be done at the beginning of the spring months, as well as at the very end of the fall months. It is vital to the grass’s health. Most of the organic fertilizers used during the spring season will allow the soil to be kick started with a large amount of nutrients for the grass to grow.

On the opposite site, most winterizing fertilizers will allow the soil to capture and maintain the nutrients and offer a very healthy landscape during the harsh winter conditions.


Any patches of yard that does not seem to grow very well needs to be reseeded properly. Patience is important. Seeding once and properly watering it on a schedule should start to show improvements within days and weeks, especially with a lot of bright summer sunshine.


Hydration is crucial during the summer months. It is important for growth due to nutrition. The entire yard that surrounds your home will need to have at least one inch of water weekly.

When you water your yard it needs to be done in the very early morning so that the soil is able to absorb all of the moisture that it can before the sun comes out.

The watering needs to be measured. It is important to find the right balance so that the yard is not overwatered and then rendered infertile.

Outside Help

If you are still having problems with your yard then there are a couple of other steps you can take for outside help. If you would like to continue to work on the lawn yourself, consult a local expert at Home Depot or Lowe’s, as they are familiar with your local environment and specific needs.

If you would rather take the easiest, albeit most costly, route, then it’s time to call in a local landscapers. These professionals are highly experienced with all types of yards and problems, and will have your lawn looking like a golf green in no time!