Whiteboard Topics: How To Find A Lake Home At A Great Price

You shouldn’t give up on finding a good deal for your dream lake home just because it’s a discretionary purchase. Lake Homes Realty’s CEO, Glenn Phillips, shares four ways to find a great price for your future property.

  1. Think Rural: Location plays a big part in home prices. Typically, the more rural the area, the better deal you’ll get for the lake home.
  2. Smaller Lakes: While major lakes may be the first to come to mind, don’t count out nearby smaller lakes that can provide a similar lifestyle.
  3. Be Flexible: It’s great to have your list of must-haves, but you have to be willing to make some compromises in order to find the right price.
  4. Lake-Focused Agents: Finding an agent who specializes in lake real estate will make all the difference in your home search. Lakehomes.com has a plethora of lake experts committed to finding you what you’re looking for.

Take these tips into consideration before you buy in order to find the right lake home for the right price!

Value of My Home Is Rising … Do I Need More Homeowners Insurance?

home value rising, home insuranceHome prices fluctuate considerably, often times leaving people to wonder whether or not they have adequate homeowners insurance coverage.

That’s especially true whenever home prices are on the rise around the country.

But just because the value of your home has risen recently doesn’t mean you need additional insurance coverage, as there are a number of things that play a role in determining the amount of coverage that you’ll really need. Continue reading “Value of My Home Is Rising … Do I Need More Homeowners Insurance?”