Why is my lake home or lot not shown on LakeHomes.com?

We strive to have the most complete list of lake-related real estate listings possible. This is a huge task when you consider the thousands and thousands of lake nationwide, and the hundreds of different data sources.

Here are the most common reasons a lake home or lot that is for sale may not be shown on LakeHomes.com yet:

  1. The lake is in a state where Lake Homes Realty is not yet a licensed brokerage. As we grow, we obtain our license in each state. After that we join local Realtor® Associations and Multiple Listing Services (MLSs) as a full brokerage member.  This is where we obtain our up-to-date listing data for each of our lake markets shown on LakeHomes.com.
  2. We are licensed in that state but we are not yet a member of that specific lake market’s associated Multiple Listing Service (MLS) where we obtain our lake real estate listing data. We join additional MLSs every month, so our lists of lakes and real etate listings keeps growing.
  3. Your property may not be listed in an MLS that we have a membership. There are times when nearby MLSs are used by agents instead of the primary MLS common for that lake market. Some of these MLSs that have very little lake-related listings are not MLSs we have joined yet (but may do so in the future).
  4. Your agent may not have entered the property in an MLS with permission to display the property on other websites. This can include not only LakeHomes.com, but also other websites such as Zillow and Realtor.com. You can ask your agent if your property is set to share to other websites from their MLS.
  5. If your property is on a small lake where we have many surrounding or nearby lakes on LakeHomes.com,  then it may be a data import issue. Or we may just have messed up and missed it in our data processing. We’d be glad to check if you want to contact us and ask.
  6. If there are many listings at your lake on LakeHomes.com, there is likely either a data import problem or the property was entered by your agent into the MLS but missing some key data points noting it is a lake-related property.  We’d be glad to check your missing property. Just send us an address and, if possible and MLS#, with a note letting us know the issue. You can find our contact info here.